I love when girls have an innate personal style and look fab without trying to be carbon copies of Hollywood starlets. Meet Cynara, the cute and quirky girl who isn’t afraid to think outside of the box. A total breath of fresh air, she has this wonderful sort of vintage-chic look that manages to feel old-school yet current. She’s known for mixing bright colors and playing with patterns and textures, creating some of the most innovative outfits around. Make sure you check out her flickr for more pics!
Name: Cynara
Age: 26
Location: Winnipeg, Canada
Size: 18/20 on top 20/22/24 on bottom
Favorite Places to Shop: A lot of my clothes are pre-loved and come from: Thrift stores, garage sales, church bazaars, ebay, vintage shops and my mom and grandma. When I can buy new, I like The Hudson’s Bay Company for clearance designer pieces, and places like Old Navy for inexpensive staple pieces, like cardigans. If I think a store–plus-size or not– has something affordable that might fit me, I don’t shy away from going in. I also like to support etsy sellers that offer a wide range of sizes– like Jane BonBon, for example– whenever possible.
Fashion Icons: Fellow fatshion/fashionistas who post to wardrobe_remix and the fatshionista community on flickr, and a myriad of other street style sites. I’m also inspired by hip grandmas, comic book superheroines, women in Hitchcock films, 80s music television, and everything Christina Ricci wore in the movie Penelope.
Current Obsession: Softer pieces with whimsical touches–dresses, skirts, and blouses, in delicate/floaty fabrics with silkscreening, embroidery, hand-painted details and/or watercolour prints–paired with harder and more structured pieces like leather jackets, tailored blazers, shit-kicker boots, and major gold chains. Yokoo cowls, Nashville hair, tall boots are always on my list of wants.
Advice to other YFF Girls: Be critical of prescribed rules and “acceptable” silhouettes for fat bodies. Fashion is always about performance and the show gets pretty stale if everyone’s wearing the same solid-coloured knee-length a-line number. Don’t ever rule out a style before you’ve even tried a garment on, because you never know what might sing. And related to that point: always, always, always try everything on.
Want to be featured on YFF? Send an email to [email protected] with a picture of yourself in your favorite outfit. You might be chosen next!
I LOVE HER. i was creeping her flicker last night actually.
Seriously, she has the best dresses ever!
I could not agree more re: “sartorial sins” for fat bodies. The world already knows I’m fat, I ain’t fooling no one with a “slimming” a-line bore.
I just got this dress for a special event. I’m about a size 14/16. When I tried it on for my mother, her face sort of sagged and said, “Why would you want all that fabric draped across the widest part of you?”
All I could say was, “I’m not trying to look skinny, I’m trying to look hott.” We both agreed mission accomplished.
ooh, i love that dress lilah!
Love her style!
i LOVE her style. the 2nd outfit on the top row is fucking A+
oh wow I am so in love with look no. 5!
She’s one of my favorite fatshionistas, and I must say I want to steal that first look!
shes got great style. I love her choce of color <3
She’s SO cute.
This is unrelated but I thought you might be interested to know (if you don’t already) that the most recent issue of Glamour (the one with Miley on the cover LOL) has a swimsuit spread using a plus size model and she looks INCREDIBLE.
i love her, and love that she’s canadian too.
Yay! One of my favorite fatshionistas, for sure! Fearless and avant garde.
very original this girl !
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