For those of you with a more traditional style, I definitely recommend checking out Saks Fifth Avenue’s plus size section, Salon Z (sizes 14-24). Salon Z has always had great clothes, but let’s face it, some of their items basically scream I’m an old rich woman. (Hey, I’m not hating on old ladies, but I’m here to write about fashion for the young’ns).
This season, two labels in particular caught my eye: Amanda Uprichard and T-Bags. Both lines offer contemporary dresses that are trendy yet classic and would fit nicely into almost any wardrobe. If you’re looking for good quality pieces to add to your closet (and you have a neverending cashflow), look no further. I’m really digging the champagne ruffle dress on the left.
And now, a few random bullet points that don’t deserve their own post:
- YFF has its own domain! The blog is now officially www.youngfatandfabulous.com, please make sure you update your bookmarks and links.
- Don’t hate me, but YFF will not be updated as often over the next few weeks. This little midwestern girl is making an attempt to move to the Big Apple (I’m actually leaving in five days!) So much is going on, and I’m basically uprooting everything to try to pursue my dreams in New York. Wish me luck in finding a job and an apartment! And uh, if you happen to know about any opportunities, don’t hesitate to contact me 😉
- Even though posts wont be as frequent, you should definitely follow me on twitter! I tweet constantly about fashion, celebs, current events, and most importantly: my [not so] fab life. Something HUGE (besides the move) is happening next week, add me to find out the deets.
- YFF finally has a new layout (thanks a ton, Lia!) Check out the links to your right for my favorite blogs (more coming soon).
These girls are fat?
love the new layout bb.
Good luck!
i love the first one and i like the center detail on the last one but yeah, i’m too poor to shop there.
Good luck and if you need some not so obvious NY fashion shopping secrets just let me know.
Congrats on the move!! I pray everything works out for you
Congrats on all of the changes.
Thought you might be interested to know that Alloy is knocking off one of the t-bags tops. Check it out: http://store.alloy.com/item.do?categoryID=821&itemID=50347&sizeFilter=&colorFilter=&brandFilter=
congrats on moving to NYC. As a Brooklyn girl, I really can not imagine living any where else. It’s the capital of everything.
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