So you may or may not have noticed I am the biggest bargain shopper ever (I cringe if I have to spend more than $20 on anything). If you love saving money as much as I do, I have some great news: YFF is giving one lucky reader two $25 gift cards, one for TJMaxx and one for Marshalls.
This spring, the stores are inviting you to join shoppers everywhere in a national spending intervention (“spendervention”) to stop paying too much for fashion. There are no special qualifications, just leave a comment about why you love TJMaxx, Marshalls, or YFF (or all of the above) and I’ll enter your name into the random drawing which will take place a week from today.
I’ve gotten a lot of really great stuff from the plus size sections of both places, and they have some unbeatable deals (especially on designer shoes and handbags). Not gonna lie, I totally wanted to keep the gift cards for myself, but I decided to be nice and share the wealth. I’ll let you know the winners on Saturday, May 30th. Good luck!
I love that TJMaxx and Marshalls are siblings, and I can make a morning or an afternoon (or a full day) of shopping in the same strip mall for everything I need. I usually go for undergarments and shoes, but I love seeing my grandma buy all sorts of fun gourmet food products (little do my cousins know that they are eating cookies from Marshalls).
I hope I win!
I try to be a bargin shopper too, so I’m posting a comment to get $50 to tj maxx and marshalls. Keep writing, love your blog!
I used to think that because I was fat, all my fashion choices should revolve around trying to be as unnoticeable as possible. Because I was big, I tried my best to disappear. It’s only recently that I’ve realized it’s okay to wear clothes that make me stand out and make me feel beautiful. That’s why I love reading this blog.
Um, I fell in love with TJ Maxx after finding a Dooney & Bourke purse for like $50. AWESOMEEEE.
Also, I love this blog because I’m starting to realize that there are more options for fatties!!! <333
TJMaxx rarely lets me down, I’m moving to NYC in 2 weeks and I’m a poor person so a gift certificate would really come in handy!
You can find killer deals at both places! I stumbled across your blog because of WR2BAM. I love the stuff you post! I may not technically plus size but i am curvy and have a whole lot of booty so seeing how you pull things off just give me ides on how to do it as well.
P.S. You don’t have to enter me in the drawing i just figured this would be the best place to comment you on how much I like your blog since others would be doing it too!
I love not really knowing what I want, but coming home with some really neat clothes. Both TJMaxx and Marshalls carry stuff in sizes that fit me. I like YFF because the things you wear give me hope that I don’t have to be stuck with jeans and an oversized boy’s tshirt forever!
TJMaxx and Marshall’s get a lot of flak, but their bathing suits in summer kind of rule. They also carry some sick nightgowns that can be altered into dresses. If you get creative with it, their clothes can be really flattering.
I wish Australia had half the choices that are available in the US (and even the UK). I love this blog though and it has given me a few online places to check. I even bought something from Jen’s ebay store (let’s face it, I completely copied you and bought the black & white dress you received). Now I’m just waiting for the right weather and right place to wear it!
Love BOTH those stores! I cant go into the HomeGoods part of TJ Maxx without buying a bunch of stuff – and their clothes = awesome.
I love TJ Maxx/Marshalls because $50 can go such a long way! I’ve always been a sucker for their dresses, and they’ve turned out to be some of my favorites.
Fellow bargin-ista right here. I’m with you on the $20 thing.
I’m a new reader to your blog but I LOVE it already.
Go team chunk!!
My favorite thing about Marshall’s/TJ Maxx are the shoooooooooes. Lots of mid-priced brands (Nine West, Steve Madden, Aerosoles– stuff that retails for $60-100) for less than $30.
My favorite thing about YFF? Gabi’s awesome guerilla style! Make fashion fit you, folks!
Guh, I am in love with Tj maxx & Marshall’s for their designer stuff that’s offered super cheap. I couldn’t begin to afford it at regular price, but they give me the opportunity to own things from brands that I wouldn’t otherwise even begin to afford.
alright, way to get the secret readers out the wood work. One, your blog rocks. Two, I dig your style. Three, I’ll totally put those gift cards to good use, PONY UP!
Nice to see another MoHo success! Love the blog!
yes please! shopping at tjmaxx and marshall’s is my only hobby :
tryna come up on some free baby clothes :]
hey, i also think marshall and tj maxx are pretty cool, although mostly for shoes
I live around the corner from T.J. Maxx AND a Marshall’s…needless to say, I hit those stores up frequently, they are the place to be for fatshionistas who want to look good for less. I am LOVING this blog, btw.
WOW! Awesome! I absolutely love your blog, by the way! You are so beautiful!
Marshall’s, TJ Maxx, Ross, and Nordstrom Rack (when I’m feeling fancy~) are the first four places I go whenever I need to get something. Their selection of clothing is incredible, especially for plus-size gals like ourselves, and their prices are even better. I have definitely gotten amazing pieces that are the highlights of my collection! Unfortunately, I currently have no money to spend (I literally have not bought a piece of clothing for three/four months), so your gift cards would definitely be put to good use
Thank you, by the way, for writing an amazing blog. It’s hard being a bigger girl in today’s society but your confidence is spreading, helping people like me and others love our bodies. So really, thank you!
In love with the Marshalls in Quincy, MA! Definitely the place for handbags and shoes. TJs is also excellent, but for different reasons. They have the best home accessories!!! Keep up the good work Gabi!!!
you’re welcome
I love shopping at TJMaxx and Marshalls. The prices are great, and even if I’m not looking for anything, I always find something I HAVE to have.
This is awesome! We just got a new Marshalls here.
It’s all about the shoes! When I need a last min pair of pumps or booties both spots will always come thru and always matches my budget…
Now rig the contest so I can get one of those cards!!
First things first love your blog…big fan…your fashion sense is killer. Second I don’t think I could live without TJ Maxx and Marshalls. I live for unique and inexpensive finds, plus I love dresses and would wear them everyday if I could. These two stores always have a great selection of dresses, shoes, and handbags all things I luv! And now it’s not enough to shop for fashion I also love these stores for their home goods…I have gotten some super luxe items for my apartment. Got love a good bargain!
I adore TJ Maxx/Mashall’s for the bargains! Since finding Fatshionista on LJ, I’ve truly gained confidence in who I am. It’s made me love to shop for new clothes.
Adore your blog, lady! I came here from a OOTD on Fatshionista, I believe.
Stay fabulous,
Jessie Lynn
Ok, so I didn’t know what to write that wouldn’t already have been said by all wise (!) shoppers who to take an advantage of TJMaxx and Marshall’s, until now. I went shopping today, hit up the usual spots and it wasn’t until I walked into Marshall’s that I found the perfect patent leather black gladiator sandals with gold detailing and a yellow trim along the bottom. Best part…17 Bucks! $16.99 to be exact (No tax!). Perf. =)
Hey darling… I just had to say great job you are doing over here fellow blogger and curvy.confident.chic. fashionista! Thought I would just share some love that you so much and rightfully deserve!
I cannot wait to meet you in live person!
Ok, if you want to find a lover of T.J MAXX and Marshalls look no further!!!!! I can honestly say that more than half of my wardrobe and every item I own from my bathroom to my living room are made possible by the TJX Company. I’ve been a devout customer for as long as I can remember and even remember being a bit salty when they stated running their first commercials thinking, “man, my hidden gem has been exposed and its all going down hill from here”. However, they’ve been able to accommodate all the newbies and never sacrificed the quality in order to meet the demand. No matter who you are, what size you wear or what you’re in the mood to shop for, they have got something for you. I myself live in NYC and can tell you that my regular visits to these stores are not only local, but include travel up to an hour and a half north and south of my home. You know that 2% stock increase they say in the midst of the recession under CEO, Carol Meyrowitz? I’m pretty sure I was a consumer who helped to make that salary increase possible. When I was visiting schools though out the US, I was also visiting each school’s nearby T.J Maxx. Oh, and when I finally settled on a school (not based on these stores of course, lol), and my friends were hitting up the typical stores at the mall, I found myself wandering off to get my fix at both T.J Maxx and Marshals. Their buying group is certainly one of the best around. All to often discount stores feel like they can get a way with selling consumers crap as long as it’s discount, but TJX seem to be right on target every season. Thanks Gabi for giving me a space to profess my love! LOL.
also your blog is the best 😉
Hey Girl!
I LOVE both of those stores, and I am DYING over your blog everyday! I too just can not spend over $20 for anything! I think like a $7 shirt at Target is too much! LOL!!
Thanks for offering the giveaway! I hope I win!!!!!! 
The Bargainista
TJ Maxx/Marshall’s enable my bargain shopping habit – those two plus Payless are how I’ve managed to amass a technicolor shoe collection. Now if only they’d expand their plus-size dress offerings!
As for YFF, I give you & your blog 100% of the credit for making me realize that, yes, I too can shop at Forever 21! For things that aren’t necklaces! Even if they’re marked as “large”! I’ve gotten so many cute things from f21 and I never would have even tried them on without your OOTDs/blog! So, thanks for that!
keeping my fingers crossed. 😉 i’m also crushing way hard on that right blazer.
I love the fact that you can walk into either TJ Maxx or Marshall’s and find really specific wardrobe basics (slacks, decent shoes, blouses, etc) as well as unique pieces (especially blouses) to spice up your typical outfit. All of this for a reasonable price makes the patient searches required for these stores worth it. I love your blog because you help me think about taking leaps in the things that we’re often told not to wear – and I appreciate that. It’s not often that someone takes a look at the clothes found in typical stores (Forever 21 for example) and shows how one can wear their pieces even if you aren’t super skinny – and look good in them! I only hope that one day I will establish my own look – so that I can start to piece together the clothing I like from stores that I might typically avoid.
I am the same way about spending money on clothes. $25 dollars at TJ Maxx and Marshall’s will go a long way for me. It’s awesome of you to share the wealth Gabi and I love your blog.
I wish we had the retailers you have over there! Australian retailers totally give plus sized fashion the ARSE!
*high five for Gabi*
I love TJMaxx and Marshall’s because of the prices & awesome selection. Whether it’s clothing or accessories, they always have fun, new & exciting stuff for amazing prices. I got a Michael Kohrs tunic there a few months ago for $17!!!! Amazing.
i love ur blog gimme free money i am a broke ass college student!
Love your blog!
Could reaaly use someone else’s money to spend on clothes for a change!
I love Marshalls and TJMaxx for their great shoes and accessories. You can always spice up an old outfit with a great necklace or shoes.
I echo several posters that TJ and Marshalls are a great resource for cute shoe bargains.
And this blog is such an inspiration for finding fashion forward style ideas for non-model sized women. You’re awesome!
umm, anyone that has ever seen my shoe wall knows tj maxx is the only reason i can say “shoe wall” and not “shoe pile.” my local store knows my entire family and sets special items aside for us. ive had mary tyler moore-style shopping trips there since i was a 6x digging into the ruffles on the easter dress rack. im a TJs fiend and would make that $$ go a loong way. oh, and marshalls, too.
your blog is amaze and youre fabz xoxox undoubtedly your biggest fan!
i gave you a blog award.
im a young mom on a steep steep budget. tj maxx and marshalls are two of the only places i love to rack shop it only because i know for a fact that a great deal will come out of my searches. where else can you get fab bcbg, jessica simpson and michael kors shoes for a fraction of the original price and show your receipt proudly.
i love your site because you show there are no limits to plus size fashion.
go girl with all your comments! i love the teej. first stop when i get home. the one is des moines, iowa is the best tj’s evaaahhhhh!
my favorite pair of flats ever came from marshalls for $18. they were spectator t-strap maryjanes and i wore them into the ground. i love your blog because it shows fashion for every budgetand it encourages me to take risks with my own wardrobe.
I love that I can go to TJMaxx or Marshalls and find five dresses for the price of one at a department store. I hope I win a gift card (or two)!
I’m totally new here, but I’d love to win! TJMaxx/Marshalls are great for bargain hunters.
for some reason, in high school i ALWAYS found semiformal dresses at tj maxx and marshalls AND shoes for under $100 while i had some friends that constantly spent hundreds and hundreds.
they’ve also got great basics and i’m always finding great staples for cheap.
also, i love this blog because of it’s unique take on fashion and i especially love the featured stylistas.
@mayo, i got my senior prom dress at marshalls for like $13! in recent years i’ve gotten really into thrifting, and it feels like a crime to buy new… and yet, i still found myself shelling out for a new dress the other day at tj maxx (it had a 3/4 sleeve cardi with it, for $20!).
sooooo. affordable style + fierce inspiration from people like you = me stepping out in color and creativity = win.
Want want! I’m a bargain shopper and very rarely will I spend big money unless I have to (shoes and coats). Other than that I’m miss goodwill all the way! Oh and reconning my old clothes, making shyt from scratch and god knows whatever else I come up with in a pinch.
I love TJ Maxx because they have awesome shoes for some great prices. And they also have some gems in housewares, too!
And I love YFF for multiple reasons
YFF is my favorite blog. I check it regularly. It inspires me to try and be as fabulous as possible. I look at it whenever I need to be reminded that it is possible to be young, fat and fabulous, thank you very much.
Keep posting!
I’m just like you, I can’t spend upwards of $20 on one item without feeling major regret. Plus, being a broke student does not help being fashionable. So I try to find bargains.. If it isn’t at a thrift store, then it’s usually TJ Maxx or someplace similar :]
I found your blog b/c it was referenced in the NYT this am. Love it! I just moved and went to TJ Maxx and got the sweetest little red mahogany end table for 39.99!!! (and some other stuff. You can’t go in there and buy the one thing you came for!)
I’ve just had awful luck at my local TJ Max lately. They’ve got dresses out because its summer. Well, the last three times I’ve been, there is a whole twenty five foot rack of size tens. And two dresses in size 18, both of which are horrible. And black. I almost never wear black. Even if I did, I wouldn’t wear those sack like pieces of polyester.