You know the whole, “whatever size you are, buy clothes that fit properly” mantra? Well, yeah, I’ve never actually believed in that. I’m more into the Tim Gunn school of thought–in other words, make it work. If I restricted myself to only buying clothing with my size on the tag, I’d be stuck paying hundreds of dollars for calf-length polyester dresses.
Instead, I go to mainstream stores and hunt for things that look like they might, by the grace of God, work for me. The other day, I went into Forever21 and found so many cute tops, none of which they even had in a size large. Instead of walking out disappointed, I grabbed the mediums and brought them in the fitting room. Each and every single thing looked great…I mean, I didn’t end up buying anything, but that was because I had no money, not because the tops were too tight. I need everyone to understand this: just because stuff may not “fit” the way the designer intended, does not mean we can’t wear it. Creativity is the one thing that has saved my style as a fat girl.
While at H&M, I saw the most amazing pair of stretchy acid wash denim pants (I warned you I’d be wearing acid wash this summer), and I knew I had to have them. It was no surprise that the largest size they had in stock was a 12. According to most size charts, I should wear a size 20/22 in pants. According to experience, I wear a solid 18. Either way, I think it’s safe to assume there is no way I’m anywhere near a size 12.
I bought them. After a little stretching and a lot of jumping up and down while pulling upwards, you better believe I made them work for me.
I can’t lie, they do create a bit of a muffin top, but whatever–the layering of my long H&M burnout tee paired with my blazer (why yes, I do wear it everyday) quickly fixed that problem. The black Zinc wedges and neon pink f21 headband perfectly complete the outfit. I’ve been wearing some version of this for the past week or so (hey, I’m living out of a carry-on suitcase), and it’s my new favorite day time look.
I am so in love with that headband. And with whatever you did to you hair. Cute!
Love this! The jeans look hot, and the headband is too cute!
You’re lookin’ fly!
Thank you for this reminder that size doesn’t dictate fashion.
hey I just found your blog!
what do you know Bust is sometimes good on me! lol
anyway, I cant wait to dig in and read more posts!
you rock!
I wish I could hang out with you! hahaha.
Omg…you’re my new hero…plz tell me how you streched those jeans cause thats a trick i’d def love to learn and your look is so cute!!! btw…i gave you a shout out on my blog..lol
That is such a fun outfit! I would totally wear that!
And what I like about this blog is I can look at an outfit and say, “Hey, I could find that outfit somewhere, put it on, and it would fit me!”
U are an inspiration! I love ur style!
<3 amanda
the Bella Band!!
i’e never been pregnant, but found that this is such an awsome product for fat girls!! i can buy jeans that fit great on my legs, but too tight in my tummy, any voila! instant, comfy fit!! i use it with new jeans, like your H&M ones, and find with the Bella Band the jeans usually warm up, and fit anyway.
a total must.
sorry picture didn’t show…
but google it ladies, you’ll get what i’m talkin bout.
Quelle jolie jeune femme! I love your shoes!
Hi Gabi! Such a great job you’re doing on the blog… You’ve just got a brand new and curvy fan from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil… And thanks for the amazing shopping tips!
i totally do the same thing!
I love the look, ‘cept for the acid wash. Can’t bring myself to ever wear them 😉 Had a BF wear them in the 80s and I hated them then too.
You, however, look very cute. I’ll just stick with my boring indigo bootleg 😉 and I’ll steal you jacket and top look to go with it.
That’s just fierce, I love it!
My husband and I were just talking about the resurgence of the 80s fashions and I told him, “At least acid wash hasn’t come back.” And then I read your post. Just please tell me that the acid washed jeans with paint splatters isn’t making a comeback anytime soon.
And I second (third? fourth?) how adorable you look, acid wash jeans and all
This is perfect ! I love everything about it !
thanks everyone
@tav, ill have to try that out!
@rachel, click here: http://tinyurl.com/nfvuh6
I think this just revolutionized my life. Just because it doesn’t fit the way the designer intended, doesn’t mean you can’t wear it (and look fabulous!). I think that’s something I’ve been thinking, but I needed to hear somebody else say it– somebody who’s obviously been successful with that mindset.
Seriously, you look so fantastic.
OMG! THOSE ARE THE JEANS! So now that you have stretched them out, can I have them? Thanks.=) You look great and I really love the headband.
you look awesome
your hair is adorable, too!
So true. You know how I roll!!
ahh that outfit is amazing. i tried on those same pants at h&m (most of the time i’m a size two, but i ALWAYS have trouble finding things that fit me right and i’ve gotten some great finds at kid’s gap AND so-called “plus size” stores, which only proves how arbitrary sizing is) and they didn’t look 1/8th as good on me. keep rocking the blazer, it’s amazing!
Wow I can’t believe you did that and would have never knew about the size of the pants if you hadn’t told. You can’t tell!! And the whole look you are workin to death!!
Well, you sure do make it work! I am size 18-20 and usually buy (ar at least, look for cloths) on “ordinary” fashion shops. Especially since most local designers (as opposed to chains) produce one size garments that are many times oversized.I do think it’s easier in the US though, plus size shops in Israel are disgusting with their red-black-white polyester tents.
So nice to have a young fat blogger as part of the feed. You look adorable in that outfit – I thought the pictures were a professional model at first.
I think this is the first time I seen you in jeans, you look good girl. They fit so nicely!
I do this often. People think I’m crazy when I’m shopping @ straight size store. Then they see the magic I work. In turn I get a fab outfit and no one can copy my style. There lies the difference between fashion & style. Fashion can be bought. Style is intuitive.
How did you stretch those jeans out?
Anyway you look faboosh as usual
OK…sooo…what is your magical stretching method? I’m currently stuffed into some size 14 skinny jeans that could use a little. lol
But I totally get you on the H&M stuff. I wear a 16/18 or XL/XXL and usually buy their L or 12/14. Though I haven’t managed to get anything that isn’t stretchy like jeans or structured blouses.
those jeans look GREAT on you.
i love those jeans but i am with liza. i can only wear they stretchy dresses and tops. you have a magical stretching method.
I love to do the same thing. I try to tell plus girls that they can explore different stores – you never know what may work for you!
Cute outfit..can you tell me where you got your blazer from?? OR can anyone else give suggestions?
G, I am about to post on the other side of this coin– even when you KNOW something fits or doesn’t fit, and you are WELL AWARE that sizes vary wildly, sometimes the cognitive dissonance is just too much. You’ll say, “But I can’t possibly ‘be’ a size X– that’s huge/tiny!” or “But it’s a size Z, it MUST fit,” and you will buy or won’t buy something because of the number or letter on the tag. For example– I tried on a dress at Express the other day and it was *way* too big– in a size Small. You’ve seen me. I’ve got 32FFs for goodness’ sake. So I asked for an XS and it was still too big– but I almost bought it because “how could an XS possibly be too big for me?” And I’ve gone the other way– when I first tried on bras above a D cup, I was totally spilling out of a 34E, but I tried to convince myself it must fit– even though I could see with my own two eyes it was way small. Because “how could I possibly be bigger than an E cup?”
It’s crazy how this stuff gets in our heads, and I am glad that I, personally, am starting to get over it. Good for you for figuring it out about a decade before I did. 😛 Make it work, indeed!
i know this post is old but this outfit is amazinggggggg. i wish i could get into a size 12 you are good! loove your blog!
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