Sometimes I think all of the fat fashion blogs should just rename themselves “Beth Ditto Blogs,” because we talk about her so damn much. But the thing is, she really is the only famous fat girl who is actively involved in the mainstream world of high fashion. She sits in the front row during fashion week, she’s not afraid to experiment with clothing, and best of all, she’s unapologetic about her size.
Ditto (well, actually, The Gossip) is featured in August’s issue of NYLON Magazine, and as always, she’s lookin’ fierce:
Above, Beth wears an American Apparel bodysuit and a vintage capelet
Here are some of Ditto’s best quotes from the article (though I think my favorite is the one pictured above…it might be my new motto):
“England honestly has better taste than America. I think it always has and always will. Europe was the first place to embrace Nina Simone, Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding. I’m not saying we’re on the same level of brilliance–but Europeans are quicker to pick up on something and give it a chance. Cool is really important to them; when they say something’s cool, they’re gonna mean it. And people in England just look fucking amazing all the time, more than anywhere else. It’s not like Portland, where it’s like, ‘Cool–bike cleats!'”
“Punk is fashion. A friend of mine said, ‘I don’t know a single punk who doesn’t spend a long time on their looks.’ Too fuckin’ true! Guess what doesn’t get up there by itself? A liberty spike! I didn’t have eyebrows for a long time. That’s how I felt punk even in my most un-punk moments. That’s how I could stay connected–I could be wearing Chanel, but there’s zero eyebrows.”
Be sure to check out the mag and read the full interview. She never fails to amaze me.
ah – the no eyebrow thing finally makes sense!
Wow, I love her makeup, but one silly question: how does she do to fit in an American Apparel bodysuit, I went a few time in their shop in Paris, and there were not one single item in which I could fit an ankle…
Anyways, you’re more than right about “the Beth Ditto Blogs”, but maybe it is only because she’s the only very famous fashionista who is really plus size (sorry, it always bugs me when plus size models make a size 14…), is young, got the rock’n’roll attitude, and … well… is just cool… It’s sad, but so far, she’s the only one I can think of…
‘have a lovely day,
~ Lolita of modern times ~
The black & gold cape is awesome! I love the quote in the second scan. I’m not exactly plus sized, but I’m a size 12, slowly coming to terms with liking my body.
Vi hoje esse blog na televisão…..e resolvi entrar para conferir!!
estão de parabéns
Ahhh me adicione no
MSN: [email protected]
Hello Gabi, I’m Kenia, I’m from Brazil and I’m another fat girl, not very happy about myself right now, but I guess after I finish devouring your blog and your blog roll I may feel a lot better.
I’ve just heard about your blog on the News here, and I decided to google it and read more about you girls involved in the movement of accepting being fat and being happy.
I’ve gone from this page to the first one looking at the pictures and I’ll start reading everything now.
Thanks for sharing. Much love from Brazil. Take care and keep smiling.
Hello, Gabi
I see your interview about to be fat and fabulous.
I love it!
I’am fashion designer in Brazil, the made clothes for fat womens…
sou brasileira, moro em salvador, e sou gorda.
há muito preconceito, mais não me escondo de ninguem, visto roupas lindas, me enfeito, sou FELIZ.
Queria mandar minhas fotos pra voces verem, se quiserem mandem um recado pro meu email [email protected]
sou bonita, gosto de min mesma e adorei o blog e a reportagem que passou no jornal hoje.
espero uma resposta.
Ass: Carol Pires;
I see you’re getting lots of traffic from Brazil since your interview aired here on the most widely watched lunchtime news prog in the country (kudos girl ;)). I thought you might like to have the link to the clip even tho I’m not sure most of your readers will understand what’s being said: http://video.globo.com/Videos/Player/Noticias/0,,GIM1094225-7823-GORDAS+SIM+MAS+COM+MUITO+ORGULHO,00.htm. Much love from down south!
Oi Gaby
My name is Elaine,
Listened on its site in a periodical in the Brazilian TV and decided here to enter to see better!
I adored everything that I looked at. The dedicated space the fashion for fat people as I it is very legal!
I turned more times here, therefore in Brazil the gordinhos do not have this space here!
Excellent Saturday…
HI Gaby!!
I saw your interview today at JH and loved it!!!!!
Congratulations, I hope more full figures girls like us see that too, accept and love their boddys.(is that right???? my english is not very good… sorry…)
love from Brazil….
Everything I ever want to buy is from UK clothing stores. I think the UK does a better job of having a range of clothing. I find it much easier to find dresses or reasonable length (aka not crotch level) and with sleeves from UK shops and extremely difficult from US based shops. US shops seem to focus on separates and pants as opposed to providing dresses.
That cape she is wearing is whispering naughty things to me. I need it
ooooooh…I wish I had more money for concert tickets; the Gossip is going to be in NYC this fall.
I kinda resent her for saying that Europeans have better taste than Americans. I don’t think that is valid at all. I lived in Europe for 6 months, and during my stay I spent some time in London. I cruised Camden Market, and the only things I bought were a couple pairs of earrings. I didn’t really see anything that was particularly new or exciting, and I’m the first one to experiment with my look. Kudos to her though for being confident enough to do her thing.
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