July 6, 2009
If you are an active online shopper (or if you read The Musings of a Fatshionista), you’ve already seen the new Dorothy Perkins Premium Collection. It is, in a word, amazing. Here are a few of my favorite things:
And in case you didn’t know, DP now has maternity clothing! This is awesome news for fat girls who carry more of their weight in their bellies; the extra room makes a huge difference. I will shamelessly tell you that I’ve shopped in the maternity section at places like Target and Old Navy and I’ve found some great options that way.
It’s cool that UK retailers like Dorothy Perkins already go up to size 22, but let’s hope they follow the lead of ASOS and extend their sizing even further.
That military jacket is everything to me. I just seriously spent a a ridiculous amount of money @ DP and I still have a cart full of sequined stuff. I need rehab.
That studded leather jacket is haunting my dreams.
what i really need is for the US dollar to strengthen.
Thanks for adding the point about maternit clothing! I shop in maternity sections EVERYWHERE. The extra room does indeed help. I don’t need belly room but I do need boob room. Maternity clothing helps with this as well. Great stuff!
I copped that military jacket on my credit card. I could not resist. 😡
I have shopped in the Maternity section before as well. Some of my fav/cute clothes are from that section
Can you give some feedback on the quality of the DP clothes? I’ve never ordered from there before but I might have to dust of the old credit card for that red skirt, but can I expect a nice quality?
Oh I’ve seen the red skirt in yellow- I’m waiting for it to go on sale though. Dorothy Perkins are pretty good on the quality side.
foo, i followed that link just for the military jacket, but they don’t have it in big sizes… (Stopped at 18, and even that was out of stock.)
Lovin’ the studded jacket it is very MJ!!
I totally agree with you on the maternity wear for +size girls! I am totally guilty as well! I am very pear shaped and it helps to smooth over my curves better to have that extra room!
is that last jacket some sort of homage to Michael Jackson? Also, bubble skirt…*drool*
ahh i was just looking at this. is the size range smaller for the collection or have the larger sizes just sold out?
Wow, it’s like MJ’s wardrobe for women! I’d love to see pix of people wearing this stuff.
ugh, i love DP with a passion. so good.
I have done the same selection !
Great !
What is your opinion on their jeans/jeggings?
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