July 4, 2009
I was super excited to discover the New Zealand plus size brand, The Carpenter’s Daughter. Obviously, since the seasons are reversed, right now they’re selling their Winter Collection (which was inspired by a New Zealand native bird, the Tui), but I hear the Summer Collection will be released shortly. I can’t say I dig everything they offer, but there are definitely some gems. I’m totally loving this feather bolero:
They carry sizes 12-24, and yes, they do ship to the US. I can’t wait to see what their summer stuff looks like. In the mean time, check out some amazing images from their winter collection:
Those are stunning. Just in case readers here aren’t aware though, be warned that NZ sizes are different from US ones. (Disclaimer: I’ve never bought US clothes, though, only NZ ones).
According to a quick search online a NZ 12 is a US 10 and 24 is US 22. But I think the difference between the two might be greater even than that. Because I’ve heard that in the US sizes go down to size 0, but in NZ I’ve never seen anything smaller than a size 6 and even that is pretty rare. Most non-plus-size clothes shops in NZ carry sizes 8-18.
So unless this designer specifies measurements exactly, I’d buy something maybe two sizes larger than the number you usually buy.
Yes, Kiwi sizes differ. We only go as low as a size 6 which is approx. a US size 0 or 2. In general, as Rachel says, you need to take a size or two *off* the NZ size (ie. a Kiwi size 22 is a US size 18/20).
I am a Kiwi and I have issues with TCD – firstly, their lack of large clothing (a size 24 isn’t that large and many of their things don’t even go up to that) and their prices are ridiculous – that feather bolero is $262 NZD, or $169 USD. I can’t afford to dress like that. I’ve also had issues with their clothing not lasting well in the past.
Sorry to be such a downer
It’s just that TCD represents what’s so horrible about trying to clothe yourself down under – plus-size stores are hideously expensive and their sizes run small. While online there are heaps of cool stuff stuff which I can’t get because either a) they don’t ship internationally or b) their shipping charges make it too expensive.
@womanonhold, you’re not a downer! thank you so much for your input, it’s really helpful to know.
I like it except for the Marc Jacobs style “I’m lying in the woods like a broken mannequin” look.
I like the clothes, but seriously — WTF is with the dead-model-in-a-field in the last photo? Stuff like that is like a cheese grater to the eyeballs for me.
these last photos of their collection were naff. but OMG check out NZ fashion week website for the latest summer collection. look out credit card I just have to have something!! There’s not much marc jacobs about this season baby!
I’m modelling in the upcoming TCD show in Christchurch, New Zealand and I must say I’m enchanted by their clothes.
I note the comments above about the pricing and ‘flimsiness’ (to paraphrase) and while I can agree to some extent, I must also say – TCD is kind of _supposed_ to be ‘high fashion’for plus women, and for durable everyday basics you’d be better off buying, say, City Chic (Aussie label that’s just hit NZ) or (and I shudder to say this) Kate Madison from the Warehouse or Wild Child from Farmers. For true escapist fashion, the closest thing I have ever seen to couture for curvy women, you’ve GOT to try TCD.
And OMG I got to wear the feather bolero today!!! *swoons* I am so stoked, can’t wait for the show. We’re going to rule that runway!!
(Love your blog BTW!!)
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I have the feather bolero, and yes TCD is rather expensive it’s totally worth it, all made in New Zealand is a hard thing to find nowdays. And i’ve found with all the stuff i have from there has lasted well.
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