I’m a terrible fashion blogger. I literally haven’t reviewed one show from New York Fashion Week. I planned on doing so, but I got so behind that now I’m way too overwhelmed. Plus, I assume those of you who actually care have already seen all the shows. And if you haven’t, well, go ahead and read any fashion blog out there to see the highlights (or do it the old school way and browse style.com). If you want a plus size perspective, Christina has written a few reviews that you should check out.
London Fashion Week has now begun, and the thing everyone’s talking about is the fact that designer Mark Fast incorporated three plus size models into his show, a choice that caused his stylist (Erika Kurihara) to quit. According to Grazia Daily, Mark Fast is working on a “project to get designers to make clothes for different shaped women.” Sarah Mower of Style.com writes “Mark Fast courageously followed through on his convictions. ‘A lot of people think it’s not appropriate to use plus-size models,’ he said. ‘But I met these girls and I loved their charisma. They’re just jewels, you know?'”
Photo credit: WWD
Some people say the designer is doing it to get publicity, others complain that these girls aren’t really “plus size,” but I, for one, applaud Mark. In my opinion, seeing body diversity on a mainstream runway is always a good thing.
hot dresses, hot models, love it.
either way, those dresses are absolutely amazing.
Apparently the casting director ALSO walked out over three UK size 12/14 women. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8265312.stm
As I wrote on Pocket Rocket’s post about this, I don’t understand people.
Frances @ Corpulent
i think this is great, i don’t agree that the models can be called plus size as they look no more than a size 12-14 (aus) tops. i hope that one day this will become the average size for models as they look fabulous, those clothes wouldn’t look as good on girls without curves.

I think it’s great he’s doing shows with larger models but damn those are ugly dresses.
i thought this was an amazing choice. when i heard the stylist left, i was like what a brat. i also noticed that lfw has more black models too.
Sophie Dahl used to say that stylists treated her the worst of any person in the fashion industry when she was plus sized. Knowing that she was a size 16 the stylists would _deliberately_ order in the sample size dresses and then say it was impossible to dress her. Imagine that! Why would anyone be that horrible? What are they so frightened of?
Maybe they just don’t the ability to make those (mostly) horrible cat walk clothes look good on curves.
I don’t know. It’s all just ridiculous bratty behaviour.
For the record, I LOVE these dresses, and I would wear the last black one in a second.
I want everything they’re wearing. They’re so hot! Go Mark Fast!
If you want to know exactly HOW ludicrous the whole thing was, read my blog ‘Every Body is Beautiful’ @ http://www.curvesmart.blogspot.com.
C’mon Gabi, how about adding me to your blogroll? 😉
The weird thing is that in the supermodel’s heyday of the late 80’s – 90’s, the models were actually closer in size to these plus models than to the smaller ones all designers use.
It does make me laugh that for an industry that prides itself on ultra creativity, there is a such a sheep mentality when it comes to the models!
And yeah, I love the dresses too. Would totally wear them!
I was so stoked on Mark Fast’s knits, they’re beautiful, and also that he had some model diversity. I heard a rumor he is doing something for Topshop, which would be amazing!Love your blog, hope you’re well. xoxo, chessy
God those women are gorgeous. If all the models were “plus size” I’d actually watch fashion shows.
I’m happy they went ahead with it and the dresses are amazing and the girls look amazing in them, but a UK size 12 is not considered plus size at all. It’s below the national average (14-16) and I can’t name a single plus size store or range that goes that low.
love love love! beautiful models. about to see if my mom can knit me a similar dress loll
Well I think the girls look lovely! Not sure all of those dresses are the most flattering things ever though.
And personally I’d rather always see models like this than underweight ones, but a mixutre of shapes is fantastic.
Florrie x
I applaud the dresses, and Mark Fast (Canadian!) for proudly featuring those lovely models, but OH I wish they were wearing appropriately fitting underwear! I mean, yow. The first and third pics look actively painful, and the squish completely spoils the effect of the dresses – which, hey, look pretty hot on some curves otherwise.
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