Thursday was Torrid’s House of Dreams Fashion Show featuring the seven lucky winners of their 2009 model search (pictured above). Unfortunately, I didn’t have the funds to make it to LA, but they’ve posted part of the show on their website. The looks shown were very in line with Torrid’s typical style–mostly graphic tees, jeans, and cropped jackets. I think the outfits probably appeal to teens, but it all seemed a bit too young for me. (Ironically, the look I like best is the Barbie tee with the mini skirt). I’m really interested to see the gowns that FIDM students made, but sadly those aren’t on Torrid’s website just yet. For a humorous recap of the event by someone who actually attended, check out LoveNati’s blog.
Yo! right on, Gabz!!! wish you waz there, mama…the lovenati posse was N’FX! (at least, that is what my Smoov’B translator tells me)
i also prefer the barbie shirt and black skirt. the black and white jacket looks ok, the rest really is a bit teenage chic.
thanks for posting this!
Okay, that first girl was FIERCE. Omg, I love her. Thanks for posting!
The Barbie shirt/mini outfit was my favourite, too. And the nodel wearing it reminded me of you!
I think someone needs to send this video to Erika Kurihara… 😉
*model! Can’t type today!
Frankly, I was kind of underwhelmed by the fashion student creations. They had to showcase “The Power of Pink” on account of Torrid’s branding + being a fundraiser for breast cancer, so that was one limiting factor out of the students’ control. Overall, though, they just did not seem super current or “fashion-y”. They certainly did not look much like the cuter, edgier getups that the fashion students themselves were wearing in the audience.
This one was my favorite: http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3483/3957538584_828d26c7f9.jpg It is basically a hot pink ball gown with some flowers. Nice looking, the skirt moved really well on the model, but… something kind of missing. There was also an outfit with a shiny pink coat with a dramatic collar that the audience seemed to react to.
unimpressed and i have to say, these girls COULD NOT WALK AT ALL. it was kinda hard to watch. i hold plus models to the same ~modeling standards as straight size models and yeah, underwhelmed.
Hmmm didn’t see the show but I love that hounds tooth blazer thingy.
Honestly, while I was watching it, my thoughts were on the models more than the clothes. They’re Torrid clothes, nothing all that shocking or new. But I kept thinking how amazing it was to see young women who were actually plus-sized modeling. And not just one or two thrown in as a novelty – the entire show. And not just a size 8 that looks plus compared to her size 0 counterparts – actual plus sized girls. I just kept thinking how great it was to see a show of beautiful, curvy girls who looked confident and cute and were totally working it on the runway.
Also, they were smiling. I love when models smile, I hate the glaring serious look that you usually get in runway shows.
Honestly, I’m a little torn on Torrid in general. I mean, I love their style and it’s a great resource for trendy, youthful clothes that fit me, but sometimes I don’t think their prices and their quality match up. I think the clothes are a little expensive for how disposable some of them can be. Though that doesn’t stop me from wishing they would open one in NYC.
We are on the same page because I thought the Barbie shirt and mini skirt was the best outfit too. I love Torrid and although there products seem a little on the young side you can pick some really cool items and mix and match to get the look that you want.
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