September 19, 2009
I caught the re-run of VH1 DIVAS today (if I recall correctly, something better was on when it first aired Thursday night) and I was pleasantly surprised to see that the majority of “divas” this year were curvy girls! Jennifer Hudson, Jordin Sparks, Kelly Clarkson and Adele (whose performance literally brought me to tears) all graced the stage, and I thought I’d show off their outfits here. In my humble opinion, Jordin killed it. I’m not so sure about the rest of them. What do you guys think?
I haven’t watched it yet and from the reviews I have read, may not watch VH1 Divas. Thanks for posting their looks, think Jordan’s black long strapless dress and Adele’s short black dress are my favorite. I always love black no matter if its in or out, it always looks classy!
the first dress is stunning! i love how fitted the bodice is, and the bit of fringe gives it a bit of a 1920’s feel. love it
I love the dress that Jordin is wearing in the second picture. I love that it is not black and that it has an amazing neckline.
As for Adele, I love the dress, but I’m tired of seeing her in black. I think she would look great is some color.
I do love Adele’s dress, although I concur with beatfreak that some color from her would be nice.
Love Jordan’s dresses, the hair not so much, too Beyonce-like, Adele’s dress looks like something I would wear.
oo and Jennifer’s dress in the last picture
You know, I never thought I’d say that I want a dress with fringe on it, but WOW! Those two dresses may have changed my mind.
That last dress…omg…that is so beautiful and rockin’!
I like Jordin’s too but Adele’s is very flattering as well. Kelly looks like she got dressed in the dark! The dresses do not flatter her shape at all.
jordin’s are killer, i love adeles 50’s-ish dress…i think if she would have tried different hair (a la mad men) it might have worked a little better. jennifer hudson…eh not loving the jetsons look, though the last dress was really great. kelly…it all balances on that hair…what the hell color is that? it makes her look all washed out.
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i like all of sparks’ outfits and the last one of hudson’s
I don’t really like Jordin Sparks (she’s got a stripper name! but that’s not exactly her fault), but her outfits are cute. I think Kelly looks really good. JHud went a little too far, I think. Her backstage dress is OK, but her onstage dress…what was she thinking? Her hips look like they’re 10 inches wider than her shoulders. Really not a good look. I have always loved Adele’s style. She’s very simple and classic, but it works for her.
i loved Jordin Sparks and Adele’s red carpet dressed. I thought they were both amazing.
wow, they all look SO beautiful! i think i like jordin’s dress in the second photo the best though 😀 thanks for posting this!
i love all of Jordin’s looks and i loooooveeeeee the structure of Jennifer’s top in picture 2
I just want to say I love the poster hanging on the door in the background in that last one.
The only outfits that I don’t like are Jennifer Hudson’s outfits. The long dress that she is wearing is nice but the other two are really unflattering. Otherwise they all look really nice.
I’m in love with Adele’s outfit from head to toe!
Ooo, I think Adele looked gorgeous and I love that JHud takes risks! She wears crazy, interesting things without worrying if it ~makes her look thin~
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i didn’t like any of their outfits lol. not one. they weren’t (all) bad but ust a bit boring. jordin was blah to me. jhud needs to fire her stylist and adele wears the same silhouette at every show. its cute, it works, lets move on.
jennifer hudson’s stylist should be put to death.
I love that fringed Jordin dress but I love the sci- fi squared shoulder J-hud dress even more! I was surprised to see her in it as shes more of a classic dresser but she looks hot!
JHud’s look is on bang! I love the leather tights and peplum top, and both spaceman dresses. Next to her, everyone else looked plain. I like Jordin, but both her black dresses were a bit too CMAs for me.
I really like Jordan’s hair, though the dress is a bit meh. She has such fantastic curves (actually all the gals pictured do), but it seems like she played it safe.
I think that Jennifer looks like she’s about to blast off into space. She took a risk, but I think it didn’t really work so well (unfortunately). That said, I really like Kelly’s green dress.
Jordan Sparks is such an amazing Curvy Goddess. I love that Girl! She’s is beautiful, talented, and seems like a sweetheart.
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