January 26, 2010
A while back, Deena blogged about the Spring Preview from Evans and I was on the fence about whether I loved it. Now that the retailer has released photos from their new campaign, I’m officially a fan. The photo shoot features five gorgeous plus size models (Britney Vecchio, Hayley Morley, Crystal Renn, Amber Tolliver, and Peeky) wearing some of the pieces from the Spring/Summer ’10 collection. The jackets and skinnies are simply fabulous, and I cannot wait to see what else is to come.
Make sure you check out more images of the preview on Deena’s blog!
Do you guys like what you see so far?
I absolutely LOVE this.
I remember when I was younger, Evans was always a bit frumpy and old fashioned, but over the past few years they have really come up as a plus size store that women of all ages can shop at.
I love the new campaign, it’s sexy and screams “high fashion”.
i love it. it looks so great. i might be broke.
I’m sorry, but where are the plus-size models? They all look painfully skinny to me. That sure doesn’t indicate how a full-figured customer is going to look in the clothing.
Personally, not my thing. I don’t like skinnies and I don’t like leggings/jeggings unless there’s a dress on top rather than a shirt and military jackets have been going on for a while. Just me I suppose but I’m quite happy with sticking with asos this spring until Evans’ summer range.
I’m happy that Evans is available for the US. Being a 30/32 up top, I can normally wear a t-shirt that’s a 28.
Question: Is it me, or does Crystal look like she’s lost a bunch of weight? She looks really thin in the side angle shot. She’s still gorgeous.
um, just because we can’t see their bones doesn’t make them plus size models. i dont see how ppl get caught up in fashion. its painfully self centered, exclusive, & a waste of money.
The thing that scares me is that they’re considered plus size, but they look NORMAL!! They look like me, just a few inches taller!! (I’m 5’3”.) They look like they could go live. I’ll definitely be checking out the clothes, even though I’m average sized! Love your site, girl!
Omg the denim jacket with studs! I adore it! Evans has really stepped up their game!
I need it all!!!!!!! and i totally agree crystal renn has lost an insane amount of weight i hope shes not going be super skinny again ;-(
I’m glad they have more current styles but apart from the military jacket (which I would have *loved* last fall), I couldn’t see adding these pieces to my closet. I do, though, know of many younger fatshionistas that would.
I’m really excited to see the Evans spring collection and I think that I definitely would buy some of those jackets and skinnies because they are really hot looking haha, but I just realized that they don’t ship to Canada which sucks so much! It seems like there are a lot of places that ship to the US but not Canada which is such a shame…I mean, Dorothy Perkins?! I wish there was some way to get them to ship here.
The line looks like its about 100x better than the clothes they have on their website now. They seem really fashionable.
I really don’t see anything plus size about these models?
gorgeous!! i love the jackets, so fab!
XO Kimmy
OMG! I’m in LOVE! <3 I want everything!!!
I agree that a model’s purpose is to sell the clothing, not to show you what you would look like in the clothing. I understand why some people would want a model that is closer to what they consider “actually plus size” not just “model industry plus size” but I feel like this criticism is flawed in at least two ways here:
(1) Evans carries sizes 14-32 so no one model is going to show every plus size person how the clothing will look like on them.
(2) Even within sizes, say two people who wear size UK20, clothing will look different according to body shape. So, even if someone wears the same size as the model, clothing won’t necessarily look the same on both.
This issue seems to come up so often. If model size causes a segment of the market to NOT purchase the clothing (that otherwise WOULD purchase), and that segment is greater than the segment that DOES purchase the clothing, then maybe retailers should rethink the use of these models. But then again, I am looking at the issue strictly from a business perspective.
I am sure there are arguments about media/representation/societal values/beauty ideals that can be made. However, I am unsure whether individual retailers bear the responsibility of addressing these issues if the results run counter to their business interests.
xo Fatshionable
i think the models are a UK 12/14 which is like a US 10 ish i believe. not real world plus size but it is what the industry considers to be. i take it all with a grain of salt. as for the jeggings and military jackets- not my thing. but it looks really nice on these models.
The pieces seem to be more vital pieces that you can mix and match with your wardrobe. But I really love that black and gold military style jacket on the far left
And Miss J: I agree with you 100%! I have read store blogs where they talk about running into the problem of using a size 12 or 14 as the model and getting complaints but when they use the larger sized models, the same pieces don’t do nearly as well. It really is strictly business 
Those models are not even touching double numbers. I am going to agree with everyone else, they could’ve picked better plus size models. Although people hate on Lane Bryant, they are so accurate when it comes to their mannequins and choosing their models.
Anyways, the jackets are really cute though, especially the military jacket.
love the clothes so much!!!
But I also wanted to way in on the model issue. I feel like there is sometime a disconnect between the fat fashion and the fat acceptance movement. So despite the fact they are not “fat” for us fat, they are outside of the traditional beauty norms and often times suffer from the same hangups as we do…just a thought…
Hmm…I wonder how that leather vest would fit me? I’ve been really looking for one to add to the wardrobe…I also like that grey leather jacket..I wear my Faith21 jacket so much I need to invest in about 2 or three more leather jackets in different colors. (I have a thing for leather I think).
Also weighing in on the model issue, I know that as much as we would like to see models that are more representative of plus-sized women as a whole & not just the tall/perfectly proportioned sizes 12/14? It’s probably not gonna happen in advertising anytime soon.
This is why these kinds of blogs are so IMPORTANT. We get to see every day people rocking these styles in their own ways as opposed to the *professionally* styled & coiffed models that make their livings being fierce.
And I also think what DrDavon said was important in regards to the fat fashion/fat acceptance movement. The models may not be what you or I consider to be truly plus-sized, but according to the standards of what designers/retailers/the media put out there they are. They struggle, too.
Until the reigning fashionistas figure out that fatshionistas have money to spend & that we’d rather NOT look like frumps, we’re left with the challenge of making it work! It pains me to no end that as plus-sized women our fashion language is abbreviated, but I choose to rise to that challenge instead of complaining because in the end? The numbers are largely arbitrary. You have to try things on to really get the lay of the land garment-wise. Listen to Gabi & keep on trying even when you get disheartened!
@ z.bediako You may not understand fashion, but for many of us it is an amazing form of personal expression. For me, putting an outfit together is like creating an outer fabric poetry of my inner self. My look says I am strong, feminine, creative, retro, modern & most of all BOLD. People remember my work ethic, my good manners & that I am extremely competent at what I do. BUT. They also remember my updo, vintage glasses, black Mizrahi Persian 3/4 length sleeve coat, grey leather ruched opera gloves, purple cashmere shell, grey silk embroidered dress, black fishnets & purple/grey/pink/orange Irregular Choice pumps.
Like it or not, your look can give you an edge in this world.
love it:x
I bought the black biker jacket when I was in London and I love it. It’s not leather but it’s really super soft and the cut is awesome.
I’ll definitely buy the denim studded one.
I am loving these jackets!
Just wanted to add one thing that tempestreigns said…there is a site called Bongous.com where you can have items that typically only ship to the US, shipped you in Canada. I’ve used the service myself so I know it works. Hope that helps you out.
Well I know where my next pay check is going! Love it!
I waaant the jacket on the left in the second picture, just what I am longing for.
I’m so in love with those jackets. I will absolutely be buying pieces from their spring collection!
I like the clothes well enough and it shows how much better they look on a model, as opposed to on Deena’s blog where I too felt skeptical (Evans mannequins are ugly)… but again, I agree on the model issue that these girls don’t realistically sell me the clothes. I feel the same way about the new ASOS Curve model.
Crystal Renn, for the record – is currently a size EIGHT. Still fierce, but certainly not telling me anything about how my size 20 butt is going to wear Evans clothes.
Reference here that she is a current size 8 and I think it reads that she was formerly a 12: http://www.nypost.com/p/entertainment/fashion/plus_9q4o8ONYHjhX3mECZRKMaJ#ixzz0c5TWepJM
As for the clothes themselves – I actually much prefer City Chic and wish they would “release lines” and have launches like this. I am an Aussie living in the UK and I would love it if City Chic was able to amp it up, as far as branding was concerned. Evans IS great, but there is a real difference walking into an Evans store versus a City Chic store… it is a pity that the City Chic website isn’t up to the funky/hip level that Evans is.
Sigh… in any case, hopefully we will see the Nudes that Deena posted on a model soon.
Re: Models. I think what would be awesome is to have the current models as well as someone who is a 20/22. So everyone would get at least an idea of how the clothes would look on them. Carmakoma got that right. They currently have a slimmer and a curvier model.
Those jackets are super stylish, as are those skinny jeans. I am totally in love with skinny jeans, such a sexy item to have in your wardrobe! Hope this collection will be available soon in my local Evans stores. Evans don’t ship order to where I live
(This is EmilyLady, posting from the Chinese-name account.)
They are really lovely, but they don’t look plus-size.
Dose any one kno when we will be allowed to purchase the new collection ? I’ve been checking the Evans web site daily but nothing yet .
Its been said, its been said, But I just have to put my two cents in. They are so NORMAL sized. the one in the jean jacket in the middle? (BTW I like that outfit, im just sayin)
But I suppose its a step in a good direction, regardless.
I do like simple outfits like these, not so much the leather jackets thoguh….
Love the clothes (evan’s always a win) but hate that they couldn’t put some REAL plus size models in the mix. I understand that by fashion norms these models are plus size and I can appreciate that. But thsoe of us w/ 42Gchest, sz 22pants and a 6ft frame, seeing models like these don’t give me any realistic views on fashion
but then again fashion is fantasy anyways.
I agree with the “size doesn’t matter” things that showed in the adds.. Plus size girls are existed in the fashion industry and I’m proud of it…
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