I’m still on cloud nine from last night, when I had the pleasure of hosting the preview event for eloquii by The Limited. It was held at the Cooper Square Hotel, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more beautiful view of New York City. The event featured mannequins and models styled in eloquii clothing, as well as iPads so that people could preview the products on the website (you can start shopping online next Tuesday)!
I wore one of my absolute favorite pieces from the collection, a gorgeous yellow silk dress with a black band at the waist. I cannot get over the fabulous color, quality material, and cute little details like the pockets and pleats.
Thanks so much to everyone who came, it was seriously one of my favorite nights since moving to NYC!

With Linda Heasley, CEO of The Limited

Gorgeous models in eloquii clothing, including my favorite piece, the cream and black tuxedo blazer!

Photo Credit: Will Ragozzino