Ahhh! I know I owe you guys an outfit post (or ten)–sorry for the silence here. Things have been really hectic with my move, and of course I waited until the last minute to pack. I’ve literally been in leggings and a tee almost daily while doing some heavy lifting and running last minute errands. I finally arrived in LA last night, and got to see my apartment for the first time today! I found it online and had a friend check it out before signing the lease…moving across the country is scary and exciting at the same time, especially when walking into a place I’d never even seen in person before. I thought about staying with friends in LA while apartment hunting, but ultimately decided I’d rather just have a place to live and if I hated it, it’s only a year, right? The good news is it’s super cute, and pretty much what I imagined. I may eventually move into something bigger, but for now it works. Here’s a peek at my living room (with a fireplace and patio!):Speaking of moving into new places, my friend Mr. Kate also just moved into a new house in LA. She’s a blogger, DIY/decor expert, and jewelry designer–you’ve seen me wear some of her fab pieces here before. We actually shot a pilot for an MTV show awhile ago that never got picked up:
I can’t wait to catch up with her! Her new house is SO CUTE, and Kate is the queen of home makeovers, so I can’t wait to see what she does with it. Check out the first episode of her new web series “OMG We Bought A House.”
I’m heading to NYC for the tail end of Fashion Week in a few days…hopefully I’ll be able to unpack and get an outfit post up before then!