Though I style photo shoots here and there, I hardly consider myself a stylist. Still, I always have a million shoot ideas dancing in my head; plus size editorials are seriously lacking and there are so many cool concepts I’d like to see executed. In the rare case a fashion mag actually shoots plus size models or starlets, they’re usually nude or horribly styled (and newsflash: styling curvy women in lingerie or 50s pinup clothing for the millionth time isn’t fresh or innovative). Most recently, Carine styled Gabourey Sidibe for Harper’s Bazaar and it was…tragic (more here if you haven’t caught up on that yet).
Anyway, I often buy stuff I hope to use on models in future photo shoots, but lots of it ends up collecting dust. I fell in love with the Jeremy Scott x Adidas french fry bathing suit (eBay!) and the Miss Sixty lip print dress a couple years ago and thought I’d put together a pop art inspired editorial–it never happened. I’ve been staring at them again lately, so when my boyfriend and I were bored with way too much energy at 3 am, I decided I’d just put ’em on and we could have our own impromptu mini-shoot.
Dress-Miss Sixty/Sunglasses-ASOS//Bathing Suit-Jeremy Scott x Adidas/Sunglasses-F21/Lipstick-OCC Lip Tar “Anime”