Those of you who follow me on social media may know that a few weeks ago, I went to Montreal with my boyfriend to be a part of Addition Elle’s #MeetMyLove campaign. They asked seven couples to share their love stories, and I’m so excited that Cornell and I got to be a part of it. I usually keep my private life off of my blog, but I thought this campaign idea was really cute and I like that it shows the world you don’t have to be a certain size to find love and happiness. You can check out the intro videos here and here if you missed them; the full video is below (and I hear there may be bloopers coming soon…) I’m so embarrassed that I hug my boyfriend in every scene we’re in…it was a lovey dovey day! Sorry, guys
This is just adorable!
I really love this!!!!
This is absolutely adorable!
Oh,this is so sweet! It’s ok to be lovey dovey
You guys are f’n adorable. Come visit us.
Cute video Gab! I love videos that are shot like that. Makes me what to do a Meet My Love video but first I’d have to find a love! Lol #hopelessromantic
Cute video Gab! I love videos that are shot like that. Makes me want to do a Meet My Love video, but first I’d have to find a love! Lol #hopelessromantic
Hi, Cliff. Lol
Awwww this was so cute it made me tear up.
Such a cute campaign!
You really inspire me to be great! This was amazing.
this is the sweetest thing ever. also great to see plus size women with GREAT, loving, supportive partners no settling for these beautiful, strong women. congrats!
Totes Adorbs!
Lovely, thanks for being so vulnerable and loving!
That was beautiful! I love that they highlighted relationships with different dynamics. Awww! I love love!
I love this gab how cute r you guys im gonna need to get a love to be all lubby dubby wit to
Cute and *WOW* they finally got a smile out of Nadia!!
Absolutely adorable!
Totally Adorbs
really good video