November 1, 2014
No need to wax poetic about my love for Queen Bey, I’m pretty sure that’s been well-established. My favorite video from her visual album is “Blow”–such iconic hair and makeup!–and that inspired my Halloween costume. I’ll let the photos speak for themselves…
I got the top from Choies (I had to sharpie the extra black lines), the “bottoms” from Boohoo, the cardigan + necklaces from H&M, and the skates from eBay. Huge thank you to Niehla O. for doing my makeup! Hope you guys had a fabulous Halloween! As always, feel free to link to your costumes
Yes girl you did Bey all they way
Very creative, werk!!
Oh my godddd you even have the roller skates. I love you. You look amazing and I love every time you pay homage to Bey.
Blow is an amazing song for numerous reasons.
You always have the best costumes!
My boyfriend and I were Oktoberfest Zombies: http://instagram.com/p/u1D-NNN1Ry/
Love from Germany,
Edit: Whooops, didn’t realize discuss would show this huge pictures… it’s from my Instagram: http://instagram.com/katha_strophal
Stunning!! Great choice for a costume!
Oh my god LOVE IT!! Hope you had such a great Halloween, you look amazing in your costume!!
http://www.augustweekend.com | Every look tells a story.
I’m in love with your costume!!!! Btw, what size is your top?
Good post!! You look great.
NEW POST IN MY BLOG!!: http://diamondconestilopropio.blogspot.com.es/
Such a fun costume idea!! You look #flawless. (Sorry, someone had to do it.)
Super Saiyan levels. <3
Best costume ever. You look amazing.
Eea P
[…] crushes. Whether it’s her channeling her inner BeyoncĂ© in a her own video or dressing up as Bey for Halloween, everything Gabi does is #flawless without a […]